Berita & Kegiatan

Berita & Kegiatan BANI Arbitration Center

Ketua BANI Arbitration Center, Anangga W. Roosdiono meluncurkan platform BANI Online Dispute Resolution (ODR) pada tangg...

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Seminar Internasional dengan judul The Outlook Of Arbitration In Indonesia telah diselenggarakan  dengan sukses pada ha...

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Kongres ICCA ke-26 diadakan di Hong Kong pada hari Minggu tanggal 5 - Rabu tanggal 8 Mei 2024 dengan tema “Arbitrase I...

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BANI Arbitration Center represented by Prof. Huala Adolf, participated in the First APEC Economic Committee Meeting (E...

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BANI Arbitration Center telah aktif berpartisipasi dalam program APEC (Asia Pacific Economic Cooperation). Pada tanggal ...

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Japan Intellectual Property Association (JIPA) mengunjungi BANI Arbitration Center pada tanggal 5 Desember 2023 yang diw...

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Secara konsisten BANI selalu berbagi pengetahuan tentang arbitrase/APS bagi publik. Salah satu kegiatan sosialiasi dan e...

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Acara HUT Badan Arbitrase Nasional Indonesia (BANI Arbitration Center) ke-46 dilaksanakan di Medan. Salah satu kegiatan ...

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Dalam rangka memperingati HUT BANI Arbitration Center ke-46 (30 November 1977 - 2023) dan HUT BANI Surabaya ke-42 (17 No...

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Dalam rangka memperingati HUT BANI Arbitration Center ke 46 (30 November 1977 – 30 November 2023), BANI Palembang meny...

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Dalam rangka memperingati HUT BANI Arbitration Center ke-46 (30 November 1977 – 30 November 2023)  dan HUT BANI Bandu...

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BANI Chairman, Mr. Anangga W. Roosdiono, attended the APRAG Conference, held in Beijing, November 13rd-15th, 2023. The ...

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BANI Arbitration Center hosted an International Seminar on Arbitration & ADR in Natural Resources Disputes on 21 June 20...

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Dr. Anangga W. Roosdiono, Chairman of BANI Arbitration Center, has participated as moderator in one of the sessions at A...

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BANI dan BICAM (Pusat Arbitrase dan Mediasi Internasional Borneo) sepakat untuk membangun kerja sama dengan menandatanga...

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Selasa, 28 Februari 2023 BANI dan IMAC berkunjung ke Unversitas Mataram dalam rangka University Lecture (Kuliah Umum) di...

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Workshop dengan judul “Penggunaan Arbitrase dan Mediasi sebagai Mekanisme Penyelesaian Sengketa Bisnis”, 27 Februari...

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Seminar berjudul “Penyelesaian Sengketa Bisnis di Luar Pengadilan melalui Arbitrase dan Mediasi” diadakan pada hari ...

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Fakultas Hukum Universitas Hasanuddin dan Badan Arbitrase Nasional Indonesia (BANI) menggelar kegiatan seminar nasional ...

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Rapat Umum Anggota Tahunan Perkumpulan Berbadan Hukum Badan Arbitrase Nasional Indonesia  (BANI) telah diselenggarakan ...

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Silaturahmi BANI

Acara Silaturahmi BANI adalah pertemuan internal tahunan dalam rangka menyambut Idul Fitri 1442 H, diadakan pada hari Se...

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KCAB INTERNATIONAL akan mengadakan FDI Moot 2020 Global Rounds dengan Pusat Studi Hukum Internasional (CILS) Kasus Moot...

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The Conference will discuss the growing importance of International Arbitration in Asia and Australia and the significan...

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BANI Arbitation Moot Competition is a biannual  event held jointly by BANI Arbitration Center and a prominent universit...

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Investment has and will be an essential sector that will support Indonesian economy. The present administration has been...

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The Financial Club, Graha Niaga lantai 27, Jl. Jenderal Sudirman, Jakarta Selatan...

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The global maritime community has witnessed significant changes in the industry over the last decade. Trade wars, develo...

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KCAB INTERNATIONAL is holding the 7th FDI Moot Asia-Pacific Regional Rounds with Center for International Legal Studies ...

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Programme: 13 – 14 May 2019 – 2nd International ADR Conference 2019 15 May 2019 – ICC Conference 2019 16 May 201...

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The Asian International Arbitration Centre (the “AIAC”) in collaboration with the International Court of Arbitration...

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Sebagai kesinambungan atas pelatihan “Pemahaman Dasar Arbitrase dan APS”, IArbI & YPAPS akan menyelenggarakan Pelati...

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Sejalan dengan perkembangan globalisasi yang melibatkan para pelaku bisnis menjalankan usahanya secara multinasional dan...

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The Asia and Pacifc region has witnessed growth of disputes settled by arbitration. The construction disputes have incre...

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Sejalan dengan perkembangan globalisasi yang melibatkan para pelaku bisnis menjalankan usahanya secara multinasional dan...

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Far East or New West? Asia has for many years been the world’s engine for economic growth. A diverse panel of business...

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The Korean Commercial Arbitration Board (KCAB) is holding the 6th FDI Moot Asia-Pacific Regional Rounds with Center for ...

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Sejalan dengan perkembangan globalisasi yang melibatkan para pelaku bisnis menjalankan usahanya secara multinasional dan...

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2nd ICC-KLRCA Pre-Moot

The Pre-Moot will be held at the state-of-the-art facilities of the KLRCA on March 1 – 4, 2018, and will once again br...

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*This seminar is accredited mandatory legal training for Korean lawyers registered in the Korean Bar Association....

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In view of the increasing participation of foreign investments in the Indonesian economy and... due to Indonesian partic...

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Biaya Pendaftaran: Rp 1.400.000,- (3-5orang per tim). Menangkan Hadiah Uang Tunai dan Pelatihan Dasar Arbitrase di IArbI...

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Indonesia is set to welcome hundreds of domestic and foreign legal officials, practitioners, corporate counsels, corpora...

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Memahami kebutuhan pengetahuan akan arbitrase dan APS yang selalu berkembang, serta sebagai kesinambungan atas pelatihan...

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Participants who wish to claim CPD Points are reminded that they must comply strictly with the Attendance Policy set out...

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Sejalan dengan perkembangan globalisasi yang melibatkan para pelaku bisnis menjalankan usahanya secara multinasional dan...

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In 1st August 2016, the sixth edition of Arbitration Rules of The Singapore International Arbitration Centre (SIAC Rules...

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In October 2016, BANI Arbitration Centre of Indonesia has the honor to host the APRAG Conference. The theme of the confe...

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The Moot helps future lawyers gain practical understanding of the obligations between host states and foreign investors....

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In our 21st century economy, where trade contacts reach across the globe and where time is of the essence, commercial co...

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This will be one of four concurrent thematic sessions at the "In Style • Hong Kong" Symposium, which aims to connect I...

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“World construction activity will accelerate by $6.3 trillion or 70 percent by 2025, with the explosion in growth boos...

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Sixteen years ago, on 12 August 1999, the government of Indonesia enacted and promulgated Law Nr. 30 of 1999 on Arbitrat...

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An important event in every maritime and commercial arbitrator's diary, the International Congress of Maritime Arbitrato...

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For Indonesia as a large archipelagic country locating between the Pacific and the Atlantic Ocean, Australia and the Con...

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BANI Arbitration Center - Indonesia (formerly known as Badan Arbitrase Nasional Indonesia), and the Australian Centre fo...

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The Australian Centre for International Commercial Arbitration (ACICA) is honoured to be the official Conference host an...

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The ever increasing adoption of Arbitration by business community as the preferred alternatives solution to commercial d...

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The two-days conference will highlight global trend and practices in arbitration and other alternative modes of dispute ...

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Hong Kong International Arbitration Centre is ready to commence its annual ADR in Asia Conference for 2012. The Conferen...

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